The girl behind the Bars.

As far as the present world scenario is concerned there are many more things to be taken care of. Especially while we are boasting ourselves to be a cultured and matured society;there are more drawbacks that keeps our society a degraded one. Everyday we come across many cases where the right to freedom is questioned in many unnatural ways. Newspapers now a days are a medium to showcase all the mischief the we perform around us. The worst part is that most of the victims are women and children. The shocking reality is kept mounted above all good deeds for a long time. 

There was a time when women were not allowed to come out of the walls.Even now the situations seems to be same in some rural societies. Apart from the lack of education prevailing there; there are certain customs followed so as in old times. Even the mindset of women are hard to be altered.
Well that would be the case of those who are still inside;what about those who managed to get out? According to the rules and regulations they all have the privilege to have their life going on. But the bad deeds of some people doesn't allow the people to send their mother,sister or daughter to the outer world because of fear; the fear of security. And that's is what i have mentioned above regarding the present degraded scenario. Women get robbed, raped,threatened everyday. The mental harassment seems to be continuing even after physical harassment which keeps the victim silent. The authorities are utter failure in this case. Even if a girl is raped and killed in front of the public, the rapist could easily find a loop hole in the case and could relax in his house without any worries. This is why we could not find the border wall for the pathetic situation. Culprits are among us without any fear and that itself is the real fear of society.

When will the time come where our sisters could have their rights fulfilled? When can we have a smile in our daughter's face? All these questions remain unanswered. We cannot refurbish everything in a small period of time. All we can do is to be responsible to the society by doing our deeds and to facilitate others in doing what they seems to be good. When we learn to respect each other we could witness a dramatic change in ourselves as well as in the society indeed!


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